Express packaging tape can be 500 laps around the earth who
Product Item: KE-038
Express packaging tape can be 500 laps around the earth who recovered?
Chinese New Year holiday a few days, migrant workers pay talks difficult "old problem" has been exposed by the media. It happened in Dongzhou District Fushun City, Liaoning a project site. 160 migrant workers from last November began to run around, you can pay talks have been nowhere.
This pay talks events from its particularity. Xinhua News Agency reported that 160 migrant workers involved in the construction of the project is a no formalities "four noes" illegal project. From construction to more than six months now, swaggering, unsupervised. Even more incredible is that this illegal project, the local government as an important project is written in 2011, 2012, Dongzhou District government work report.
Pay talks the day bitter, migrant workers pay talks only eat bread and drink cold cold water, heating by crowded. And life difficult compared to the process of leaving them during chilling, the end result is to be told that "rights must take legal proceedings," a drag over.
Xinhua News Agency's article said that in the face of migrant workers pay talks, some places do not face their own problems, do not deal with illegal business, but requires rights of migrant workers unilaterally take legal proceedings, is typical of omission.
In the past, we often say that migrant workers pay talks, vulnerabilities in the enterprise, but now it seems, to resolve the matter can not be reused old eyes, blindly blame unscrupulous companies, does not help. Beijing Times view is that "a certain extent, not just wage builders, but also with a number of regulatory authorities is not as relevant."
Lack of supervision on the illegal enterprise, do not pay talks the green channel, it is the reflection reflection. Only improve the system, truss fence, governance wage basis to solid.
Health promotion make an appointment first ensure fair
Basis for solving medical treatment is difficult and where is it? Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal Hospital Authority proposed that before the end of this year, Beijing 22 municipal hospitals will cancel all live telephone numbers. This means that non-emergency patients must go through the referral and an appointment to hang on to this 22 hospital number.
From this new initiative can be seen in Beijing in the fight against traffickers, eliminating the pain of queuing patient is under a lot of determination, a point to praise here in Beijing relevant functional departments. However, we also see that, in addition to telephone appointment, an appointment-based smart phones and mobile payments, at least for now, covering the crowd is limited.
Medical Media "healthy community" to throw three questions: How do people live registered habits change in a short time? No. tight source how to allocate? How emergency stress relief? These problems are not unfounded.
An appointment is not new. Last October, the Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center began promoting the "non-registered comprehensive emergency reserve" can effect is not ideal, then, Guangzhou Wei Planning Commission also requested the remaining portion of the artificial window are not familiar with modern equipment to facilitate special group appointment registration .
Medical treatment is difficult to block loopholes alone make an appointment that the old ways can succeed? It is inevitable that such concerns public, though not crowded line up in the hospital, you can at "family relationship" jump the queue, grab number or despise disease. Qilu Evening News article says, "the expert resources within a short time is really no way to rapidly increase, how to ensure a relatively fair distribution of medical resources is directly related to the public's confidence in the appointment registration." If these issues are not addressed, make an appointment just technical innovation, it would be difficult to implement it.
500 recycling circle Earth who can express packing tape around
Also yesterday, there are numbers caught my interest, 20.6 billion meters. This is the total length of the tape last year with National Express package, the media put it this way: This is a full length of 500 laps around the earth, the earth bag into dumplings.
CCTV reporter recently found that 80% of people due to the courier packaging waste recycling price is not high or recycling pathways inconvenient choose to drop only 10% of the packaging waste will be secondary use.
We all heard it said, There is no garbage in an absolute sense, only to put the resources in the wrong place. The reality is not the case. At present, the old way of garbage collection is market-oriented operation, that is, waste recycling, sorting, you can run the system is not clear. Take Xi'an as an example, from 2009 to the present, the local practitioners reject the acquisition shrink from 1.2 million to more than 4,000 people. The main reason is the difficulty sorting.
Sometimes more than the cost of sorting the waste itself is worth, who is willing to do?

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